Thursday, October 15, 2009

Fall Fun

Yesterday CJ had his Occupational Therapy appointment.  We were ready to go unusually early, so I took it upon myself to use the overcast day as a great day to get some pictures.

He loves pictures...I'm thinking he may be the Watson that belongs in front of the camera instead of behind it!  What do you think?

He posed himself for this...he said "I love this one!" when I
showed him the picture LOL

This is a very common face in our house these days.

I love this one :)  Who can't love this face?

PS: Don't mind the hole in his jeans...all of his pants are like that.  He spends countless hours crawling all over the floor and ground playing with his cars and trucks.

PPS: Why do my images get blurry when I post them?  They look good on my screen but on my blog they're all blurry!


Stacia said...

He is precious! What a cutie!

Blair @ Reasonably Swanky said...

He is so handsome! Great pictures!

Nicoolmama said...

Great photos!! Can't wait to see his birthday ones!

Unknown said...

Oh goodness... I'm LOVIN' that last one in a big way! Such a little man!