Monday, November 30, 2009

The Date

Most people are recapping their Thanksgiving holiday weekend.  Me? I didn't really have one.  I couldn't afford to go out of town, so I stayed here and it was a lot like any other day :)  It was still fun to spend the day lounging in pj's and eating anything I wanted.  My diet went out the window for that day :)

Well, like I posted yesterday, I had a date :)  It went soooooo well!  I am so happy :)  I met him on Match...I have to vent about Match but I'll save that for another day.

So let's call him S-just until I come up with a better nick name for him.  I joke around and call him old fart.  He's only 30, but he's 5 years older than me.  I know he's not old, but it's fun to tease him :)  Anyway, we decided to meet for "linner" (late lunch/early dinner) at Biaggi's.  I had only been there once before.  Funny enough, I sat at the same table as the first time I was there LOL  I was so nervous to meet him.  We had spent a great deal of time on the phone for the last few days so I felt confident about how much I knew about him and how he reacts etc.  Meeting in person is so different though.  When we arrived he had flowers for me and something in a bag.  The something in the bag was movies for CJ.  How sweet is that?  He remember me talking about them so he said that when he saw them he thought it would be nice to pick them up!  I gave him a hug and woah! He smells delicious!  I believe it was Armani Code ?? Can't remember.

Anyway, about halfway through linner it started to not feel like a first date.  It was like hanging out with someone I've known for awhile.  Biaggi's is in this really cool outdoor shopping center called Centerra.  You should check it out-it's pretty awesome.  So we decided to walk around.  We went into numerous stores and had fun picking stuff out.  We went to Bath and Body works and we were smelling things, giving our opinions and I smelled their Christmas candle called Frosted Cranberry.  OMG smells like something I could eat-which I vocalized and he bought 2 (since they were 2 for $20, virtually buy one get one free!).  One is for me and one for him-so that we could match :)  We headed into Barnes an Noble and looked at books and finished the evening with coffee :)

I had to get to CJ so we called it a night.  He asked me to go with him to his Christmas party next Saturday.  We texted a bit last night as well then ended up talking on the phone LOL  It was so much fun...sigh.

He's coming over Wednesday to watch a movie :)  I feel like I'm 13 and a boy that I have a huge crush on just said he likes me.  I have this huge grin on my face LOL

Now my only question is...what do I wear to a business (not dressy or cocktail) Christmas party?  Any ideas??  I'll go through my closet and post pictures of what I have but I'm never one to say no to shopping!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

At 2:30...

I am going on a date today!  Woo-hoo!  I'm pretty excited.  I've talked to this guy a lot over the last week and we click really well.  I'll let you know how it goes when I get back :)

Friday, November 27, 2009


I swore I would be one of those moms that would keep track of every major milestone of CJ's.  I thought for sure I'd document his first word(s), when he rolled over or sat up.  I didn't.  I didn't even keep a lock of his hair from his first hair cut (that was a way stressful experience for mommy and baby).  Scoff at me if you want but I didn't do it.

But, yesterday, his first "school age" milestone happened!


How exciting????!!!  For some reason he thinks Tinkerbell is the Tooth Fairy, but what can I do?

Thanksgiving 2009 my little boy turned into a big boy.  ::sigh::

PS: The pic was taken with my cell phone, so the quality isn't the greatest.  Also, please excuse my messy room :)

Thursday, November 26, 2009


To list out everything I am thankful for would take forever.  This year has been a huge year and has created so many more things to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving...may your holiday be blessed.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Weekend Recap and then some...

This weekend was a complete blast.  Both of my parents were here and we were busy!

I picked my mom up on Friday from the airport and we went straight to lunch at Red Robin (CJ ate free-woohoo!) then went to New Moon!  It was like 10 million trillion times better than Twilight.  Chris Weitz, the director, did an amazing job and now I'm really excited to see Eclipse-even though that book just seems irrelevant LOL  CJ also had his first taste of teeny boppers LOL  Thankfully it wasn't too bad.  We went during the school day so that we could avoid the craze!

On Saturday we took pictures for our Christmas Cards!  It was so fun, but I didnt' think about wearing horizontal stripes...not good in pictures.  But, my dad did a phenomenal job!  Here are the top contendors!

I just love this picture...this is a very typical CJ look.  Excuse his puffy hair-his hair is just not manageable LOL

I blew this one up a bit so you could see our faces...we do this all the time.  I just love that this was a candid shot.  Great work dad!

I like this one but it just seems too forced and too not CJ and I.

Let me know what y'all think!

Here are more pictures that were taken.  We wanted family shots, but my brothers aren't here in the state.  But here's what we came up with.


This was a test shot, but I like it.  OH and yes, that is a yellow M&M man in the window, my mom is obsessed with them.

These are my 'rents and CJ. He loves his "gandmom" and "papa"

Later that night we all watched Star Trek.  My family is full of Trekkies so it was only natural for us to sit down and watch it.  It was so good...and Chris Pine is not hard to look at.  See:


Chris Pine in all his yummy Captain Kirk-ness

Then Sunday we all helped hang up Christmas decor outside.  I will post pictures of that later :)  I hope you all had a great weekend and have  a great Thanksgiving week!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

My very first AWARD!!

Thank you so much to the fabulous woman behind "A Journey Through the Waiting Game" for nominating me for my first award.  You rock :)

Here are the rules: I have to list 10 interesting facts about myself then pass along the award to 10 other bloggers!

Here it goes:

1. As much as I love to buy all things girly, I am more often than not in a jeans, a tank and flip flops with my hair in a messy bun.

2. I am liking being single.  I do want to settle down, but being able to just "be" is great.  Ask me my opinion about that around Christmas time and when it comes time to get CJ to his appointments.

3. I am team Jacob.  I mean, I really feel for him.  I've been treated like that by a guy and it hurts.  That and Taylor Lautner is so nice to look at.  Please tell me he's legal otherwise I may have to reword that LOL

4. I check the same sites several times a day: email, Facebook and my blogs.  There rare changes to those through the day LOL

5.  I love to bake, but I have no one to bake for.

6.  I am obsessed with all things paranormal.

7. I am the freak you hear driving down the road blasting Christmas music in July.

8. I have a strange addiction to the Oats and Chocolate Fiber One Bars.  I could live on them!

9.  I'm secretly afraid that if I get skinny I'm not gonn have boobs.  That might be TMI, but I like having them LOL

10. When my kiddo and I say that we love each other we say "I love you like (#) robots".  He started it one day and now it stuck.  Oh, speaking of CJisms, I asked CJ if Lindsay Lohan was pretty and he says "She's pretty like a hot dog".  I about died.

So, now my lovlies, here's who I nominate:

Nicole at What a Long Strange Trip

Blair at Reasonably Swanky

Kate at Simply Said by Simply Me

Lauren at Busy Bee Lauren

Molly at Stilettos and Diapers

Summer at Le Musings of Moi

Alicia at It's Not Gossip. It's My Life.

Little Match Girl

Brooke at oofa luffa le

Last but not least: Pink Sass

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Screw sky diving for a rush, I'm getting skinny!

I'd like for you all to take a moment and notice that weight loss ticker says 18 pounds lost. AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I'm so excited :)  I forgot to update it last week, but wow, it feels good. 

I haven't been measuring myself, but I can see the changes.  I'm currently a size 14 and L/XL kind of girl, but not for long!  I'm almost in the 160's!  I haven't been in the 160's since I was in the Navy!  I was 175 when I got pregnant-I weigh less than that now!

So lets see, when I joined the Navy I was sittin in the 150's, then I learned to spend money on food and gained about 10 lb's before I went in.  I almost didn't get to go in because of my weight!  Ouch!  I lost 11 lb's in boot camp and was pretty happy.  The jiggle went away.  Then I got married and started packin it on.  I gained it all back, then some.  I never ever made weight with the Navy, but by meaurement I did make it...whew!  When I  got pregnant I was 175ish and when I delivered I was 206!  I got back down to the high 170's then got out of the Navy.  Came  home and became a lard ass.  I ballooned up to 197.  Ouch.  I tried Weight Watchers and lost 10 pounds but decided to stop doing it because I would figure out how much crap I could fit into my point level each day.  I kept those pounds off for about 10 months and decided I wanted to wear a bikini like everyone else. 

My 25th birthday was coming up and I wanted to look I started losing weight.  So, in July 2008 I weighed 197.  July 2009 I weighed in the high 180's and now in November 2009 (the 18th to be exact) I weigh 171 pounds. 

I consider myself an adrenaline junkie, but let me tell you-there is no rush greater than putting on a pair of jeans that are a little snug and having them slide right on.  There is no rush greater than not having a shirt be so tight-that it actually fits appropriately.  Screw sky diving for a rush, I'm getting skinny!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kings and Queens

So I just saw the video for 30 Seconds to Mars' new video for Kings and Queens and it was good.  I hadn't heard the song before but I will definitely be getting the CD on the 12/8!

Doesn't Jared Leto look amazing in the video?

He's got some Edward hair if I've ever seen some LOL  I have the hugest celebrity crush on Jared Leto.  Even in his emo, guyliner wearing outfits.  There's something about him.  Hmm...if you wanna watch the video/listen to the song then click on King and Queens!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day and Shopping

Today is Veterans Day.  To most people it's a day off.  To me, its the day that remember about the friends I've made and lost.  It's the day that I keep all veterans-young and old-in my prayers  With out our veterans, who know where our country would be today. Thank you all to the men and women that have bravely served and sacrificed for our country.  To those that I served with, it was a pleasure serving with you.

*UPDATED to add* I just wrote this post and remembered I need to call the VA (Veterans Affairs) about my GI Bill. So I called and went through the process of typing in all my info and then was promptly reminded the office was closed for the holiday.  Yes I'm a moron! 

On a different note...

Why oh why must American Eagle have their jeans buy get one half off??  WHY??? I love American Eagle jeans.  They make a flat butted person, such as myself, look like I have a little "junk" and the price is unbeatable!  Why must I be tempted with this?

And why Express do you keep sending me coupons? "Get $30 when you spend $75"  Why?  Thankfully, I'm not quite down to the size where their clothes fit comfortably.  Every now and then I get lucky and score a shirt, but it doesn't happen often!

I love to shop...Target had some cute sweaters and this vest thingy-cute! Heck, I rarely get clothes at Wal-Mart but the red and black plaid tunic/shirt dress thing that Miley Cyrus put out-way cute.  I'm going to pair it with leggings and black boots.

Anyway...I will not be shopping.  I have to keep myself limited each month on how much I spend on shopping.  Plus, I don't want to get a ton of new clothes then have them not fit because this woman is getting skinny :)

I'm off to the gym and my killer abs class with Ken.  I wish ya'll could see this guy...dreamy.  He said something last class that made me mad at the time, but I'm over it now "Quitting is a choice. Your brain will keep your muscles moving if you tell it to!"  I wanted to kick his butt!  I had just worked out for an hour and he's trying to tell me that I'm choosing to quit?  We'll see about that one.  Today I'm switching it up a bit-abs class then elliptical then Jillian.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 2 of The Shred

Today was the day I was motivated to work out.  I wasn't too sore after my "killer" abs class yesterday so today I did Jillian's DVD then did 50 min on the elliptical, did some leg work and ab work.  I might regret it tomorrow LOL

Tomorrow I do have the abs class so, lets hope I'm not dead!

On a second note...I have not been hungry.  I'm good at mindless eating but today I worked hard to not do that.  I barely ate 900 calories after dinner time.  What do I do? Eat when I'm not hungry?  Seem back asswards, but I know I need to keep my metabolism going.  I know that I need calories/protein/carbs/etc to keep my body healthy.  I'm in quite the pickle.

Anywho...I can definitely see a change in my legs and my abs.  No six pack here, but the flab that hangs over my c-section scar (TMI? sorry) hasn't gotten smaller! Also, I know my legs are getting skinnier-you know how I know? My track suit from Old Navy that was tight in the legs is no longer tight :)  Go me :)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dieting and Working Out...I already did a weekend recap LOL

So as most of you know, I'm on the never ending track to losing weight.  I have my reasons for doing it...yes some of them are vain but the rest are purely for health!

Anywho...awhile back I bought this:

I would be good and do it for 2-3 days in a row but yeah, I'd quit.  Now, I need to change up my working out habits.  I love going to the gym.  My son LOVES it there.  Every morning "Mommy, we go to the gym?" How can you say no to a kid that wants you to work out?? LOL

I've been getting bored on the Elliptical (I was doing 60 min plus a 5 min cool down, burned 530-580 calories in that time).  It's a great calorie burner but I almost feel like my cardio isn't getting any better.  So I'm going to Shred myself!  I'm going to still do the gym, just not for an hour.  My plan is to do 30ish minutes on the elliptical and some light strength training every other day.  The day I don't do strength I'll have Jillian kick my butt :)

I'm also doing this awesome class: "Crunch Time".  The instructor likes to call it "Kens Killer Abs".  I'd like to see his abs LOL  He's not so hard on the eyes either.  I love the "man candy" at the gym LOL

Anyway, watch out swimsuit season!  There's gonna be a hot new bod out there!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Yay! Woo-hoo!

My computer is back!  I'm virus free and full of memory!  I love my dad he rocks.  He made my day.

So, I've been dying to show you pictures of my little guys birthday cake, so here we go!

This is what you'll need :)

After I mixed in the gel colors

Right before I but it in the oven

Don't look at me...I was tired and ready to stab someone with the knife
so just look at the finished piece.

The birthday boy

He was so excited it was his birthday and we were singing to him...he's been
waiting for his birthday since June!

The birthday boy and his mommy...

I had so much fun with my little guy.  I love him to pieces.  Seeing him so excited just really made my day.  I really couldn't have asked for a better day!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Ever since my computer got the virus about three weeks ago, I've been having a rough time LOL  I want MY computer back so I can upload all my fun pictures.  I have CJ's birthday pictures (and the fantabulously awesome cake pictures), Halloween and just some random pictures of the ginormous snow storm we had.

Anywho...even though I don't have my computer doesn't mean I can't shop online right?  I've been a bad bad girl-shopping for clothes for me.  Oh, and I get to head out this weekend to find a scarf or two for my scarf swap partner.  Hi Alicia. 

On the 14th, CJ and I are going to have breakfast with Santa.  Anyone want to come? I'd love to have some fun people to meet up with in Denver :)

Oh, and I now have 20 followers! Yay!  I'm so excited!