I quickly reminded him that I gave him the exact reasons as what was written in my blog-I did omit the family history when I talked to him, but it was still a reason. He got really upset that I would judge him and his family without knowing them. In my defense, knowing what I already know-it made me uncomfortable. I told him that what he did was wrong (searching out my blog) and that he needs to leave me alone and never contact me again. I told him I would prefer it if he didn't read my blog, but that I couldn't stop him.
Anyway, I won't re-hash all the details. After I responded to him, the real reason came out of why he's so upset. He RSVP'ed for "2" for the first time to his company Christmas party on Saturday and now I've left him dateless. He did say he would not text/email/speak to me ever again.
Wow, gotta love late night drama, eh? Glad it's over!
Onto bigger and better things!
CJ and I did not decorate the tree but we did go ice skating!
We had just stepped onto the ice. They don't allow cameras on the ice so the super awesome staff members took a pic for me then held onto my camera in their little hut thingy.
He started with the trashcan but decided that the wall was a better choice.
But he quickly realized he could go more places if he had the trash can.
My big boy didn't quite get how to skate so he spent most of the time "running" on the skates. He fell and we both cracked up every time he did LOL We were there for nearly two hours, but it started to get way to cold. Our high today was like 31 or 32-when we left the OUTDOOR rink it was in the high twenties LOL We were freezing!
We're going again next week so my dad can get pictures of he and I together. My dad probably won't skate LOL
Ugh sorry you had to deal with all that drama. Those pictures of you all on the ice are adorable!
Cute pics. We need to catch up. Life has been NUTS but in a good way!!
Sorry about all the drama. But OMG, how cute is your litte one?! Just enjoy that!
And thanks for the award!!
Ok can you say creeper! I will say I am sorry it didn't work out but after all that drama I say good riddence.
These pics of you and Cj are adorable!
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