Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our Journey of Love...the blog

Hey everyone,
Real quick I just wanted to tell you that the best blog I've read by far is Our Journey of Love, by Adrienne and sometimes Jim and Owen.
I've never met this family, but I almost feel as if I know them. They have a touching story and if you have the time you should read it from start to finish. It took me two days and I had a weekend full of two boys: CJ (4) and his friend, An'don (5).
So get over and read it already! The blog is listed in the list of blogs I follow.
Also, my best friend in the entire world, Gabe, is currently in Germany attending a Disciplship Training program then in January will leave for a photojournalist missions trip. He is currently accepting donations for his mission. Check out his blog here. If the link doesn't work, his blog is listed under blogs I read.

Love and God bless!

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